Spoke Too Soon

Well, I spoke too soon. I wasn’t able to join in the escalation league! I’m kinda ok with it, since the league would have seriously eaten into my Wednesday sleep schedule. Anyway, I recently picked up the Trollbloods Warpack and a Miniature Mentor video, so this post will be about painting!

I’ll start with the Miniature Mentor video. I really like it. I picked up the first video (The Complete Guide to Miniature Painting) and I really enjoy it. The video covers a lot of guides that I’ve read online, but with the added help of high quality video. Who would’ve thought that watching paint dry would be helpful! Only time and practice will tell if the tutorials will be effective, but I personally think they’re helping already. At this time I’m not going to do a review of the video, but maybe I will once I finish painting up the Trollbloods warpack. Maybe the results will be all the review people will need!

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