Monthly Archives: July 2012

Zerat Sniper Progress

I’ve made some more progress on the Zerat sniper. She’s mostly complete now aside from the base, which should be finished soon. Aside from adding some more highlights to the rifle, I changed the glow from her eyes from purple to green, which stands out much better in my opinion. Plus, I’m getting better at adding those object source lighting effects.

Check her out after the break.

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Infinity: Morat Aggression Forces Vs. Aleph

I got to play two games of Infinity on Sunday: Morat Aggression Forces versus Aleph. I also got to try out some of the new terrain I bought. Since the last game, I’ve picked up a box of Woodland Scenics trees, a Micro Art Studio building, some jersey barriers, some oil drums, and two Armorcast tin-can silos. That terrain, added to the store’s and my opponent’s, made for probably the best two games of Infinity I’ve had so far.

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Zerat Sniper WIP

Lately I’ve been working on expanding my Morat Aggression Force sectorial in anticipation of the GenCon Infinity tournament. Since my force lacks any infiltration I decided to pick up a Zerat Sniper, and so far I think she looks pretty good. I’ve been thinking of converting my Morats over to a new, brighter color scheme, so unlike my other Morats, I primed her in white. I kept the bone armor the same, and lightened the green armor by a shade. I wet blended her hair gray to Blood Red, and gave her hair a few more streaks of Blood Red.

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