Category Archives: Board Games

Dungeon Run

In the midst of a game of Dungeon Run.

Recently, I played the board game Dungeon Run with some friends of mine. It was a pretty fun game! Dungeon Run is another type of fantasy, dungeon-delving, treasure hunting games like HeroQuest and Descent. You play against the game itself (there is no dungeon player), and the player with the “First Player” token gets to roll dice against the players. It was definitely easy to pick up and play since most of the rules are located on the game tiles and cards. I think one of my favorite things about it is that it plays quickly. With 3 players, a full game took about an hour. Not bad when compared to the 4-5 hour Descent game I played!

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le Havre

Got a new game this past weekend! Well, two new games. I picked up le Havre on Thursday from my FLGS, and ordered Agricola off Amazon with my birthday giftcard. I haven’t had a chance to place Agricola yet, but Heidi and I played a bunch of le Havre on Saturday and we had a blast.

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