Tag Archives: Malifaux

Been too long…

It’s nearly been 10 months, but I have returned to the tabletop. I haven’t accomplished much in the way of hobby gaming lately, but the break was for the worthy cause of marrying Heidi this past April. The party was successful so that means life has calmed down and our apartment has cleaned up enough to get back into painting tiny things. Now, don’t think everything was put on hold during the wedding planning; I was able to purchase and assemble models from various games (Infinity, Malifaux, Super Dungeon Explore, and more…) which makes my backlog even more monstrous. Anyway, that just means I have to work on those before I can pick up anything else. Hahaha, just kidding, have you seen the new Morat Vanguard support weapon pack or the Tohaa Clipsos sniper? Have you read rumors from the Corvus Belli FicZone event, including details of Infinity 3rd Edition? Have you heard that the resculpted Morat Suryat with combi and the Tohaa Nikaul sniper will supposedly hit shelves in July?? Yeah. I’m going to be busy for a while with all those things.

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More Malifaux

I’m enjoying painting these Malifaux minis quite a bit! I just finished painting a second miniature from the McMourning starter box. This time I went for one of his nurses. I attempted more shading and highlighting, make-up, and sheer clothing. I definitely need more practice with faces cause I don’t think I did as good of a job on this one, but the nurses’ face is quite a bit more cluttered thanks to her mask. I think the sheer cloth turned out pretty well, but I may have made it too sheer. You be the judge!

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I recently picked up a starter box for the miniatures game, Malifaux. I’ve heard it’s a good game and the start-up cost is pretty low, so I figured I’d give it a shot! I picked up the McMourning box to start. Basically, he’s the game world’s Doctor Frankenstein. His box comes with the equivalent of Frankenstein’s monster and Igor, as well as some naughty-looking nurses (in the fluff, they wear the skins of McMourning’s most attractive victims, so more like Silence of the Lambs than Frankenstein). I also grabbed some of Wyrd’s “morgue” base inserts. This is the first time I’ve used pre-made bases, and I really like the results! I think I may go this route from now on. At least with smaller-scale skirmish games like Malifaux.

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