Infinity: Raicho

I’m taking a short break from painting a lot of blue Merovingians, so I’m going back to my Morats, at least for the Raicho. I’ve actually finished a few more Merovingians since the last time I posted, but I’ll address those later on. I’ve made some decent progress on my Raicho over the past few days, and I think the giant Morat TAG is starting to come together.

There's still a ways to go on this TAG, but it's starting to come together!

There’s still a ways to go on this TAG, but it’s starting to come together!

I’ve shaded and highlighted the Raicho, and began to weather his armor. I used Vallejo Liquid Mask to simulate paint chips on the armor. I was a little worried about rubbing off the base coat when I removed the liquid mask, but the liquid mask comes off easily by rubbing a finger over it or using a stiff brush. I really like that stuff and I’m going to use it more in the future.

More weathering to the Raicho's armor. I missed the giant mold line on his gun, and I've since sanded it off.

More weathering to the Raicho’s armor. I missed the giant mold line on his gun, and I’ve since sanded it off.

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